Nellie Bly, the famous 19th century female journalist and fan of the color pink, ‘Pinky’ was her childhood nick name, wrote the first boxing story in 1889.

Her interview with prizefighter John L. Sullivan was printed in the Sunday edition of the New York World newspaper on May 26, 1889 in the Q/A format and in first person – below is the link.

Not only did Bly step into the world of men, but she also defied the most of the “macho” sports. As an undercover reporter, she is considered the mother of investigative journalism.

In a dream conversation I had during my sleep last night with Ms. Bly, this is what she told me:
“Not only we, the pink boxing writers, are the best trilogy combination, but we are called to give women boxers the place in history they deserve. Don’t be afraid and throw your words to the world. I’ll cover your back from where I’m at.”

Well if she did it 122 years ago, why can’t I do it now?

So here I am, blogging about my love for pink boxing and trying to get the world to know and understand about the true women boxers in general and amateur women boxers in particular.